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Images of Muslim Women in the Media: between myth and reality



Images of Muslim Women in the Media: between myth and reality

Location: Room ASP A3G3, European Parliament, Brussels
For several years now, particularly since September 11th 2001, it is not uncommon to see media coverage of Muslim Women. Numerous articles, sometimes complete files are dedicated to her. And so we have witnessed the birth of a stereotype of “the Muslim Woman;” making an abstraction out of human diversity. A new woman has been created, between myth and fantasy, on the basis of a chaotic international reality. The question is how to know which woman we are talking about. Is the image in the media real? On which rudiments is it based? Who really are these Muslim Women? How do they define themselves? What is their place in society, what engages them, what are their hopes, their dreams and what are their claims? The European Forum of Muslim Women and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe will analyse and try to answer these questions during a forthcoming seminar on 15th May 2007 in the European Parliament.
For more information, please visit ALDE's Website.